Hi. I'm Will.

I’m a Medicine Guide, CEREMONIALIST & spiritual Mentor.

I’m here to support you.

I work with people wanting to pursue deep healing, personal growth, and joyful expansion — inviting a renewal of inner life, a shift in perspective, and a rediscovery of life more free.



Coaching and mentoring for those facing large life changes, integrating peak experiences, or wanting to deepen spiritual practices


Two- & four-day private retreats in Southern California rooted in a deep psycho-spiritual orientation for those ready to explore new perspectives in healing


<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Support for those wanting to process and integrate peak experiences and embody deep life change


“I can’t recommend Will and his mindful, loving approach highly enough as he has guided me to my new life. If there is just one thing that you can do to truly help heal yourself, make this choice.”

— Will S, Data Architect, Colorado

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